What is civic engagement?

Civic engagement covers the variety of ways individuals and collectives of people or organizations participate in their communities and public life, in service of addressing issues of public concern or improving community conditions. Healthcare workers see the end impact of policies that determine social drivers of health. As we bear witness, we must also work hard to ensure that these policies that may not be in service of the communities we serve are appropriately changed through local and federal lawmaking bodies (Civic Health Alliance, 2024). In June 2022, the American Medical Association formally recognized voting as a social determinant of health.

Where can you find resources related to this presidential election? 

In California, several organizations provide assistance and orientation to citizens about voter registration, the dates for voting by mail and in person, and information about what is on the ballot locally and statewide.

Bilingual Voter Information 

  • 888-839-8682 (English)
  • 888-VE-Y-VOTA (Spanish)
  • 888-API-VOTE (Asian & Island Pacific)
  • Text JOIN to 33339

Mail your vote-by-mail ballot.

Don’t forget to sign the envelope! No postage is necessary. Your vote-by-mail ballot must be postmarked by Tuesday, November 5, and received by Tuesday, November 12.

Ballot Drop Box

Drop off your ballot at any Ballot Drop Box starting Tuesday, October 8.

Vote Centers

Vote early at any vote center in your county starting on Saturday, October 26, up to Tuesday, November 5, Election Day.

“In the embrace of art, young Latinos find a canvas for their cultural heritage, where vivid colors and symbols bring their roots to life.”

Lucero Vargas, Tattoo and Visual Artist (Amanalli Lu), was born in Mexico City. Vargas migrated to Los Angeles, California, at the age of 11. She then moved to Santa Rosa, where she worked as a professional tattoo artist. Inspired by Mexican and Native American Culture, she employed a naïve folk-art style to explore questions of identity, postcolonialism, gender, and race in American society. Art has transformed her life and has helped her heal her trauma. She hopes to use the same process to help young people. Vargas strongly believes art is one of the best activities for anyone to heal the body, mind, and spirit.